Introducing the vocab
Presentation - Months of the year
Presentation - Colours
Presentation - Talking about your family
Exercises - Talking about your family
Balloon game
Match the French sounds and the English words
Same as above but this time the words are hidden!
Read the text and decide if the sentences are true or false
Who wants to be a millionaire?
Put the sentences in the right order
Spell the words - Quick, you're timed!
Crosswords - Listen to the French words and write the English translation
Dunk the teacher
Exercises - Months of the year
Put the months in the right order
Memory game
Balloons game
Match the French words and the pictures
Match the French words and the pictures - more practice
Listen to the French words and choose the right answer
Same as above but this time the words are hidden
Wordshoot on months of the year
Put the months in the right order
Dunk the teacher
Exercises - Colours
memory game
Crossword - Click on the number to see the clues - Click on a number to see the clue
Listen to the words and choose the right colours
Match the pictures of the colours with the words
Match pictures and French words - more practice
Spell the colours in French. Careful, you're being timed!
Dunk the teacher
Vocab and pronunciation
Numbers 22 to 31
Months of the year
Talking about your family